Kunming Tea Factory was first factory to produce Shou PuErh (熟普洱) and one of the three factories actively involved in creation of Wo Dui (渥堆) process for Shou PuErh tea. Gong Ting (宮廷) translates as “imperial court” and it’s grade of PuErh tea leaves characterized by use of young leaves and buds harvested in early spring.
This tea was very skillfully blended and processed in Kunming Tea Factory, then aged in natural Taiwanese storage. That created beautiful, smooth and sweet tea, without trace of fermentation flavor but with some complexities characteristic for very old Sheng. Storage is very clean and tea tastes a bit brighter than most Shou PuErh that I’ve ever had, with flavors bringing to mind sweet raw chocolate and dried dark fruits. Drinking this tea is grounding, very relaxing and mind clearing.
We were only able to procure 5kg of this tea from friend collector and it was challenging to not keep all of it for ourselves.
Storage - Taiwanese natural storage