We have been looking for very long time to find affordable Shou PuErh cake that will not sacrifice quality for its price. After deciding on this tea and persistently negotiating its price for months we finally were able to make it available at price that is amazing considering this tea quality. It is made of clean material coming from YiWu and very well processed. Many affordable Shou PuErh nowadays are made of so called “XX” grade, which is basically material that otherwise would be thrown away. This tea is made of material that would be good enough to make a decent Sheng. Cakes are pressed hard enough to make them suitable for a long storage but also very easy to break apart.
Brewed tea is very smooth and thick, sweet, creamy, woody, with touch of earthiness, fruit and chocolate. There is still some remaining wodui aroma but at this point it’s already nicely blending with tea flavors and no longer a flaw.
Drinking it is very calming and comforting even when tea still have retained some ability to mildly wake up and clear mind.
For anyone wanting to stock up on it we offer 2 cakes with $20 discount.
Storage - Taiwanese natural storage