Our very skilled Oriental Beauty Tea Master used bug bitten Qing Xin Da Mo cultivar to process it like Oriental Beauty, and afterwards processed this tea into black tea.
End effect is spectacular, clash of two distinct tea types producing smooth and thick brew with great complexity and very strong Cha Qi. Fruity flavor and aroma of black tea married with distinct floral notes of Oriental Beauty, over session tea evolves and its complexity shines through the changes.
Even after processing into black tea, leaves behave similar to Oriental Beauty and we recommend brewing it in 90°C, or even 80-85°C. This way it will produce many delicious and aromatic brews.
Tea Cha Qi is surprisingly strong, every time I drink it I can feel it build up in my temples and fill my body with happiness and content.
Unfortunately we have very little of this tea left and are able to offer it only in single session size.
Season - Summer
Elevation - Around 300 - 500 m
Picking - 1 bud and 2 leaves
Processing - Half handmade