Lin Yung-Hui’s ( 林永輝) work was very sought for in China for long time until he have retired. He stopped making teapots to orders but still makes them now purely out of love for the craft. Our first teapot made by Master Lin Yung-Hui is very elegant, full of grace and it handles beautifully. It’s made to be a workhorse of a teapot but also to bring charm and elegance to every tea session. Using it is true joy, it’s well balanced and made with functionality in mind. It’s of course made of Taiwanese clay. Fired at 1250°C this teapot will not only work well with most kinds of tea, but high firing makes it also suitable to be used with variety of different teas (unless it’s PuErh). We still think that in long run it’s best to dedicate it to one kind of tea or one region.
Approximate capacity is 120ml.
Dispatched from UK